The Top Legal Writing Books

Whether writing a deposition or drafting a contract, legal writing demands that you color inside of the lines. Still, there are instances where you can infuse your writing with your own voice while also writing effectively and coherently in a legal context. When searching for legal writing books, any professional will give you their own list of preferred tomes of advice, knowledge, and rules. You can follow those lists to the letter, or pick and choose which books work for you and your purposes.

How to Find A Virtual Paralegal to Match Your Practice.

“There just are not enough hours in the day to do everything myself! I want to improve my work-life balance by delegating tasks, but no one is available. I keep reading and hearing about virtual paralegals and virtual assistants as affordable options, but I wonder: Where can I find virtual support which meets the needs of my law practice?”

8 Imperatives for a Paralegal Business Plan

Making a living as a freelance or independent paralegal is essentially the same thing as running any small business. Being a professional in the legal field, however, does not necessarily mean you will prosper as a small business owner. There is a completely different skill set that one must possess, or learn, to run a profitable freelance paralegal business.

Networking Demands Skill.

There's no such thing as accidental networking. Networking is a mission. When you're headed to a function to meet and greet people who can further your career, you have a strong sense of purpose. Even a chance meeting can provide a networking opportunity.

Workflows for Going Paperless

When going paperless, your incoming workflow is probably the easiest and most logical step. After all, you simply scan everything that comes into your office, right? Well, yes, it is that simple. But then again, maybe not. What you want is to have everything that comes into your office scan immediately, so that everything is available in your digital file as soon as it hits your door.

A Rallying Cry Against Rogue Paralegals

Rogue Paralegals – know this: We see you. We’re looking right at you. And we won’t turn away. We’ll greet you on the corner of every social media site and will call out your unethical and illegal behavior the next time we see it. We will educate every newbie paralegal across the nation that we will not stand for you potentially dragging them down with you. They deserve better than that. Actually, we all do.

How to Convince Your Firm Working Remotely is the Way to Go

It's a whole new world out there. If you haven't realized it yet, the workplace will never be the same. It's time to ride the horse in the direction it is going! If working remotely is for you, go for it. Right now, if you look on the job boards, you will see an uptick in the jobs that are endorsing remote work. I am not encouraging you to leave your current position but as you all know, I am a big advocate of loving the job you have. It's the least we can do for ourselves. Really, it is.

3 Common Reasons Solo Attorneys Call a Virtual Legal Assistant

A change in current staff support has caused them to re-examine support needs. For whatever reason, the part-time, hourly assistant who wore all hats (receptionist, legal secretary, legal assistant, a paralegal) has decided to move on. Suddenly, the attorney who is fairly good at taking care of himself has to face the reality of doing E-V-E-R-Y-T-H-I-N-G.

The Freelance Paralegal.

Freelance paralegal work can be quite rewarding, both financially and professionally. The individual may be a business owner or partner or may work for someone else. The type of work ranges from broad to very specialized, and the number of assignments within a given period can vary widely. The common thread is the ability to incorporate flexibility into an otherwise regimented occupation.

The Licensing Debate.

General licensing proposals apply to all paralegals. Any paralegal, whether practicing under the supervision of an attorney or not would be required to meet certain licensing criteria.